Friday, September 7, 2012

Stupid but True

It is 5:06 AM.... I havent been out partying or enjoying an evening with my husband...No, for the last... I have been working (actually tried to calculate how many hours its been and i'm too tierd to be able to do that).
Its been a very long time since I pulled an all nighter, hell this week I've done a lot of things I havent done in a very long time. In the past month I learned more things than I have in the last 4 years. I'm talking about technical things, configuring systems, reading logs, writing scripts... my face twitches just thinking about it.
of course I had no time at all for my jewelry or my shop and the stats are showing it. what can I do, day job comes first. and at least i'm working on something people are waiting for.

you know how it is when you are beyond tierd, and you know you have a full day ahead? i'm too tierd to go to sleep....stupid but true....

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