Friday, July 20, 2012

It's all about geometry

I often wonder who are the trend setters, the people who start trends or set trends - i don’t know what to call them. I mean I was never one of those people who eagerly followed the fashioniests (is that what you call those people in fashion?), who kept track of all of the coolest blogs so I really don’t understand the process.

Is there someone who wakes up one morning and decides "I'm liking mint this morning, I think that’s what next summer will be about" Or "geometry is cool, that should be a theme"?

The reason I ask is because lately I do get to see a lot more of whats trending, being on Etsy so often, browsing through Pinterest and all the other cool places and you know what? They are just swamped with these trends. I mean every second item I see on Etsy is about geometry - triangles, squares, vintage squares, vintage triangles...

well I think trends are cool I just wonder who makes them up.

All this geometry got me thinking, I have these beautiful blue beads just waiting in one of my boxes, Its time I take them out and have a bit of geometry fun.

I seriously love this necklace, too bad I only have 1 set of these beads...

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